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24h ECG Holter CONTEC TLC5000 12 Channel EKG Monitor PC Software Analyzer
Holter Software Report 12 leads ECG Contec TLC5000%2C www amtc gr
Contec TLC5000 ekg holter, PRINT REPORT
CONTEC TLC5000 pathological analysis equipments type holter ecg recorder 12 channels
holter tlc 5000 - CONTEC
Small #ECGHolter Easy to use and to Carry
Holter ECG instruction video part 1 (for heart rate variability software see part 2)
Holter ECG Contec TLC5000 – 12 Canales
Reviewing the ECG of the Holter monitor
Holter Software operation video from ECG
5 best Holter Monitor || #holtermonitor #cardiacmonitoring #ECGMonitoring